

原創 健培科技2019/4/26 15:50:11





In China, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has deeply penetrated many industries, including medical care. This is motivated by the fact that 80 percent of medical data in China is imaging, which requires analysis and diagnosis based on the patient scans.


China faces two challenges with image processing: 1) there are not enough practitioners for human review to keep up with the growth of image volume, which currently expands by 30 percent per year; and 2) current computer-aided analysis lacks accuracy; manual review and subjective interpretation is inevitable.


AI in Medical Imaging Science


The application of AI inferencing in medical imaging is complicated, requiring powerful processing capabilities for such challenges as data diversification, deep analysis, and complicated labeling. Medical image analysis requires support of 3D?or even 4D?deep neural network (DNN) architectures, which rely heavily on platform memory during processing. GPUs are often unable to handle the tremendous number of workloads required to process 3D and 4D image data. Therefore, medical teams may reduce the pixels of 3D image data and split them into multiple small blocks for sequential recognition. The TensorFlow* deep learning framework used to train algorithms on imaging data can benefit from optimizations for Intel? Xeon? Scalable processors.


The Intel Xeon Scalable processor family is well-suited for deep learning applications. It can directly read up to 384 GB of memory to accommodate fast access to imaging data for inferencing. Thus, it can better meet the requirements of AI-based CT image analysis compared to other AI processing technologies.


Intel? Optimization for TensorFlow* leverages the Intel? Math Kernel Library for Deep Neural Networks (Intel? MKL-DNN) to help improve performance on image data processing. Plus, it has customized 5,000 new features to provide better support for medical image analysis issues.


Introducing an Image-Reading Robot


JianPei Tech LTD’s image analysis robot is built on advanced AI algorithms and deep learning technologies, enabling highly accurate image recognition. Assisting doctors in locating diseases, analyzing conditions, and guiding operations, the image reading robot is part of a clinical decision-making system and is at the frontier of medical science and medical technology development within the country. With the AI-enabled robot, the time needed to complete radiologist diagnoses have reduced immensely. This application has also substantially increased diagnostic accuracy using Intel optimizations.Such impact can advance precision medicine greatly in China.


Accelerating AI-Enabled Imaging Analytics and Diagnoses


Intel worked with JianPei Tech to optimize their image- reading robot on Intel Xeon Scalable processors for inferencing of X-ray, CT, MRI, and other medical imaging sources. To accelerate image analysis, JianPei Tech’s plat-form was migrated to Intel? Xeon? Gold 6140 processors and optimized with Intel Optimization for TensorFlow, which includes the Intel MKL-DNN library.

英特爾與健培科技合作,優化英特爾至強可擴展處理器上的影像閱片機器人,以推理X射線、CT、MRI和其他醫學成像數據。為了加快圖像分析,健培的平臺被移植到英特爾?至強?金 6140處理器,并使用英特爾? TensorFlow優化庫(包括英特爾? MKL-DNN庫)進行優化。

As shown in Figure 1, the collaborative work resulted in achieving an 8X performance improvement on DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) images (identified as DCM in Figure 1).1 The speedups were a result of using Faster R-CNN* (Region Convolutional Neural Network) instead of UNet* and optimizing the Faster R-CNN algorithms for Intel Xeon Scalable processors.


英特爾?TensorFlow優化推理吞吐量與英特爾?志強?金 6140處理器上的UNET和自定義Faster R-CNN相比

圖1使用優化的Faster R-CNN算法推理性能吞吐量

Faster R-CNN has also played a role in segmentation analytics in the medical field. Faster R-CNN is well optimized by Intel Optimization for TensorFlow and Intel MKL-DNN, which results in a performance gain of 6X compared to UNet* (see Figure 2).

Faster R-CNN也在醫學領域的細分分析中發揮了作用。Faster R-CNN通過英特爾針對TensorFlow和英特爾MKL-DNN的優化得到了很好的優化,與UNET*相比,其性能提高了6倍(見圖2)。

英特爾?TensorFlow優化推理吞吐量與在英特爾?至強?金6140處理器上自定義Faster R-CNN對比

圖2與英特爾?至強?金 6140處理器上的UNET相比,被TensorFlow優化的Faster R-CNN推理性能優化更快

Optimum memory capacity and image data batch size also enhanced processing performance for faster R-CNN as shown in Figure 3.

最佳的內存容量和圖像數據批量大小也提高了Faster R-CNN的處理性能,如圖3所示。

英特爾?TensorFlow優化推理吞吐量與英特爾?至強?金 6140處理器上不同批量大小的自定義Faster R-CNN相比
